List of 500 SAP service providers and SAP consultancies in Germany

Feb. 2022 | Arbeitgeber, Download

Where do I apply as a newcomer to SAP or as an SAP junior consultant?

SAP career changers and newcomers generally face the challenge:

You want to start your first job as an SAP junior expert, but you are unsure where it makes sense and has good prospects to apply. BIBER & ASSOCIATES has therefore provided a list of numerous SAP service providers and consulting firms for you to download to help you plan your personal application.

In our experience, the companies mentioned are the most suitable for a new or career changer as an SAP consultant. These companies have a kind of „trainer function“ in the SAP environment. SAP end-user companies, on the other hand, are generally looking for experienced SAP experts, as the training opportunities there are limited.

The list is up to date as of September 2020 and will be updated by us at irregular intervals. Please note the terms of use on the last page – especially those for interested commercial parties.

Over 500 SAP service providers and consulting firms in one list – PDF

Many of the SAP service providers mentioned have different business models, which they present on their websites. Most of them are SAP consulting providers, SAP consulting houses, or SAP managed service or SAP system hosting providers, but they also include providers for SAP training or other specialised providers with an SAP focus. Some of the SAP service providers also tend to specialise in large customers, others more in SME customers. Some operate regionally, others nationwide or internationally. Many have an sector focus.

List of 500 SAP service providers and consulting firms for downloading

With this list, we would like to provide assistence to interested SAP newcomers, career changers or SAP junior consultants to successfully enter the SAP market. We would be pleased if you would recommend or link this page to interested parties – e.g. via social media.

If you have already made the transition, have two or more years of SAP experience and are planning your first job change, please contact us. BIBER & ASSOCIATES offers you an extensive SAP job exchange full of interesting SAP jobs! We are sure that we can support you in your next career leap with our profound knowledge of the SAP job market.

List of SAP service providers and consultancies in Germany for download

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